Our Story

Premier A.I. Services is Scotland's only dedicated Vet-led centre for equine reproduction.

Founded in 2018 by Dr Selena Ayling BVM&S MRCVS, Premier A.l was established to provide a first-class service, attending to the needs of breeders in Scotland and the North of England, covering all aspects of equine reproduction, based at Drumcarow Equestrian just outside St. Andrews in Fife and formed due to the shared interest in Scotland's breeding industry with Angus & Stephen Lohoar, who were already established as experienced breeders and producers of high-class sports horses. From what was initially expected to be a seasonal service provided during the Southern Hemispheres off-season, - Premier Al has grown and expanded exponentially to now offer a dedicated centre for Stud medicine and reproduction all year round.



Dr Selena Ayling BVM&S MRCVS, Director & Veterinarian

Selena received her degree from the Edinburgh (RDSVS) School of Veterinary Medicine in 2010.

Upon graduation, she began her career in a mixed practice in Fife, gaining a solid foundation in all aspects of veterinary medicine. This allowed her to locum and travel, honing her skills at various domestic and international practices. Her lifelong love for horses has guided her professional development, and the offer to work in Queensland, Australia, as a Stud Vet was a career-defining opportunity that could not be resisted.

The demanding yet enriching time spent working on large Thoroughbred studs will remain one of her career's most enjoyable and defining moments. Throughout several seasons in Australia, Selena immersed herself in the study of equine reproduction while being mentored by some of the best veterinarians in the industry. The skills and knowledge Selena gained during this valuable time have allowed her to establish Premier A.I. and reassure breeders that their mares and foals are in safe and experienced hands. Of all the aspects of work, Selena holds a particular fascination for embryo transfer. She still feels the astonishment of holding a fertilised embryo that will become a living, breathing foal in her hands. Her time alone in the foaling shed with a mare as she gives birth will always remain one of the most rewarding experiences of her career.

With her strong drive and passion, Selena is committed to achieving the best possible outcomes for every animal under her care. She aims to continue supporting clients to achieve their breeding aims, creating the next generations of equine superstars.

When not working, Selena enjoys time off with one of the three very important men in her life! - Either out in the yard helping Stephen, her partner, jump horses, busy Tractoring with their young Tractor obsessed Son Harvey or Curled on the sofa enjoying some downtime with Ozzy, the 'love of her life' Collie dog.

Meet the Team

We are excited to introduce you to the Premier AI Team, a group of dedicated individuals with a passion for providing a first-class equine reproduction service and dedicated to ensuring all horses receive the best possible care and attention.

  • Louise graduated from RDSVS in 2010 with Selena. She worked in several large mixed practices throughout Scotland, where she enjoyed various challenges and gained a wealth of experience. After marrying her husband Andrew, she moved home to help manage their large Dairy and Sheep Farms. Following the continued rapid growth of Premier A.I. Louise joined the team and brings an experienced hand to all aspects of practice management, her organisational skills and attention to detail are invaluable in the midst of a hectic breeding season. In her spare time, Lou can be found walking her dogs or riding her Highland cross ‘Boy’ with her three young children and their assortment of ponies!

  • Abbie completed her NC & ANC in Horsecare at Oatridge College and has extensive experience working with various horses. She has previously been part of the team on large Eventing and Showjumping yards, managing horses at home and while travelling away at shows. This has enabled her to gain a wealth of experience handling fit competition horses, stallions and young stock while caring for their every need. Abbie has also enjoyed teaching at the local riding school for many years, but her lifelong ambition to work on a stud was realised when she joined the Premier AI team in 2019.

    Abbie’s dedication to the horses under her care and her ‘Monty’, like the ability to catch and handle even the most difficult horses, have made her an invaluable team member. She enjoys working with the foals daily, ensuring they receive the best possible start and early education.

    In her spare time, Abbie can be found walking her dogs or with her herd of much-loved horses. Her homebred Ellison also recently won the top jumping yearling at the British breeding futurity. She hopes to continue showing and producing him herself over the next few years.