

After an 11-month gestation, it can often feel like you are endlessly waiting for your foal to arrive. In contrast, the active foaling process in mares is usually very quick, and the large majority will successfully deliver without any difficulties. For those mares that do encounter problems, timing is everything. In an ideal situation, a veterinarian's assistance must be provided within 30-45 minutes from the onset of active labour. If this is impossible due to your location or facilities, it may be worth considering sending your mare away to foal.

Our dedicated foaling barn provides a safe and comfortable environment for your mare to foal down in, minimising the stress for you and your mare. Each foaling pen has full CCTV coverage; there is 24/7 Veterinary supervision onsite and the use of foaling alarms for constant monitoring. Veterinary Intervention can be provided as soon as required.

IgG (Antibody) Blood

Sampling & Plasma Transfusion

All foals born on site have a blood sample taken at 24 hours of age to confirm sufficient antibodies have been transferred via the colostrum in the mares’ milk. Low IgG levels can make foals significantly more susceptible to infections such as joint & navel ill, diarrhoea and sepsis. All IgG samples are run in our laboratory, avoiding the need to send samples away and delay potential treatment. If low antibody levels are confirmed, we can administer an antibody-rich plasma transfusion to the foal, thus reducing the risk of developing infections.


Assessment & Treatments

All mares can be fully assessed post-foaling, and any infections or damage to the reproductive tract can be quickly treated on-site, ensuring quick recovery and maximising the ability of mares to return to breeding.

Angular Limb

Deformities (ALD)

Angular limb deformities are common conditions affecting foals in the first few months of life. These can often result in bent or twisted limbs from the knee, fetlock and hock. If left untreated, these can worsen and negatively impact athletic function in the future. Early assessment and diagnosis of an ALD often allow full resolution with no complications in future life. Selena has worked with many Thoroughbred foals in Australia, and she can help assess and treat any ALD noted after foaling.