
Our additional services

  • Microchipping & Identification Sketches

    We provide microchipping and identification sketches for passports to ensure the safety and security of your horses.

  • Vaccinations

    We offer routine Flu and Tetanus vaccinations for resident mares and stallions on-site, ensuring that your horses are up-to-date on their vaccinations while they are away at stud with us. We also provide Herpes vaccines for EHV-1 & 4 in broodmares as required.

  • Processing IgG Blood Samples

    We understand the importance of quick and accurate information when it comes to the health of your foals. That's why we offer IgG Blood sample processing from non-resident foals, liaising with your vet and running the blood sample on-site for an immediate answer seven days a week.

  • Frozen Semen Storage

    Premier A.I. offers frozen semen storage in our Liquid Nitrogen tanks, providing short-term storage during the breeding season until used on your mare or indefinite storage as required.

  • Foster Mares & Orphan Foals

    We know that losing a mare or foal can be devastating, and we are here to help in any way we can. At Premier A.I., we have developed a successful fostering strategy for orphan foals and foster mares. We have successfully fostered foals from all over Scotland and are happy to discuss protocols with other veterinarians for orphans or mares that may be rejecting their foals. If you find yourself in this position, please do not hesitate to contact us.